
Think Daniela!

Daniela always tries to help her friends, but she doesn't always think carefully and often makes things worse. When she sees a bear near her friend Faye, she must think quickly. What will she do?
I totally understand how she feel. Kindness is very important in friendship. Like the end of the story, you keep kind to people, you will have a very good friend.

・sneaker: a type of light soft shoe with rubber sole, used for sports
・blanket: a cover for a bed, usually made of wool
・smell: 修飾語がない場合はしばしば「悪臭」の意
 order: 強いにおい scent: かすかなにおい fragrance: よいにおい perfume: 香水などの快いにおい aroma: 芳しいにおい stench: 強烈でいやなにおい

Waring, R.(2006).Think Daniela!,USA:Thomson ELT.

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